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Warcraft III: Defence Of The Ancients [Dota]
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To -prfct
To -k1nd-
Да вы просто сами не хотите этого, придумываете бредовые отмазы на тему не получиться, какая разница кто выграет главное это участие >>> приобретение опыта
To Kiber
To Sverick
здраво мыслишь
блин жаль в мувике нельзя проверит) я готов поклясца mh или что то такое и еще у него в 1 моменте крук он кинул прямо а крук подровнялся под игрока подвинулся достаточно сильно) но там хз может правда так задрочил)
To Rube
Да там вроде крюк в зависимости от поверхности меняет направление ))
Просто чел мосх юзает да и только, недельку на онли пурдж играл или нарил целыми днями вот и всё.
omg samonavodyashiisya kruk? O_O
na samom dele 4el igraet v kakoi-to lige vrode IHCS (moj i v nei) poemy s4itau 4to slu4ai s mh isklu4en
Ну че йоп, всех крафтеров с наступающим, побольше ЗОЧЕТОВ и красивых фрагов . Пить курить поменьше, учиться побольше.
To -prfct
Ну немного ))
To Kiber
Спасибо, тебя тоже с наступающим! Желаю счастья, здоровья!!!
ПРрисоединяюсь к поздравлениям Кибера  
И да не заржавеет мессершмидт ривер в руках дотеров!  
Приесодиняюсь к поздравлениям вышеуказанных граждан и желаю чтобы удовольствия от игры было больше а лаговфф и вылетофф => поменьше
Всем Gl & HF!
To Pro-Toren
всмысле меньше лаггеров и ливеров ?
To St.L
Угу и ещё "parni 5 sek plz"
To Pro-Toren
да он на тебя намекал наверно
To Raziel
А я на тебя
spamer :P
ВСЕХ С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
С НАСТУПИВШИМ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
УРААААА!!! С НГ!!!!!!!!!! ВСЕХХХХ!!!!
Первая игра в 2007-м сыграна!
To Pro-Toren
narki "))
To abnOrmal
To BanK
молодец.хорошо набиваешь посты.
6.39 Changelog
* Listed all the cooldowns for items and abilities
* Added -rd (-randomdraft, similar to the style of play in a few inhouse leagues)
* Added two new Scourge heroes
* Added new functionality to replay files for leagues to more easily calculate and process game data
* Added -showdeny/-hidedeny
* Added new host commands "-weather snow", "-weather rain" and for everyone "-weather off" (if it is turned off, it can't be turned on again, to prevent spam and abuses)
* -ma now shows hero level next to the name
* Improved first middle Scourge tower area
* Added a new endgame scoreboard to replace the inaccurate one that Warcraft 3 generates
* Improved death text presentation
* Added floating text to show you all the gold you get (including bonuses, not just the 100) from hero kills as well as tower kills. Please note that there has been no change to the gold you get, it is just being displayed as an added effect now.
* Improved some ward vision areas for the Scourge team (thx Wedge[p])
* Sentinel and Scourge hero kills now share the gold with the team instead of it being lost
* Rewrote a lot of internals coding to allow for cleaner AI version implementation (in near future, the bot capability will be part of the regular map, useable in the every release)
* Added Snowman after Roshan (just a temp for the season)
* Added hero icons to the multiboard
* Fixed the creep blocking issues on the left Sent side
* Added an observer scoreboard display for better information when watching live games
* Improved AI on the siege units. They spawn every 7 waves now instead of every 6
* Reduced Overpower and Enrage cooldowns
* Reduced Time Lapse mana cost at higher levels
* Paralyzing Casks now does a little more damage to creeps
* Upgraded ghouls now have a bigger model like the treants do when upgraded
* Alchemist movement speed from 290 to 300
* Increased Spirit Bear's Base Attack Time from 1.75/1.6/1.45/1.3 to 1.75/1.65/1.55/1.45
* Improved AOE on Aftershock by 30
* Chaos damage now does 40% damage to fortified (down from 50%)
* You now have more time to repick (120 from 60)
* Added -disablehelp support for sprout
* Unstable Concoction now deals damage
* Added Lucifer to Aghanim's Scepter
* Increased Troll Warlord's movement speed by 5
* Reduced mana cost and slightly increase AOE on Shadowraze
* Lowered Warlock's movement speed by 10
* Gnoll Assassin creep is slightly stronger and give a little more bounty as well
* Improved Lightning Storm a bit
* Undid small part of the previous Dark Ritual nerf (was nerfed from 45 second cooldown to 60/55/50/45 before, and now to 55/50/45/40)
* Improved Kraken Shell leveling slightly
* Cannot use Aphotic Shield on Doomed hero anymore
* Nerfed Shadow Word casting range, increase cooldown and lowered damage per second
* Shukuchi deals more damage per level
* Geminate Attack level 4 cooldown down from 4 seconds to 3.5 seconds
* Fixed a graphical glitch with the spawn direction of Elune's Arrow
* Reduced Strygwyr's Thirst HP detection from 50% to 40%
* Improved the Liberated Souls with Ignis Fatuus Scepter Upgrade
* Increased Rain of Chaos cooldown
* Lowered Viper's base damage a little
* Spin Web regeneration now improves with levels
* Lowered Neutral Taskmaster's HP/Armor/Movespeed
* Implemented hero descriptions by Deathknight6034(Bloodseeker,Ryali,DK), Aconite_Vyper(Sniper), KingReaper(Lancer), Volcove(Keeper of the Light), Bowstaff(Omniknight), SteveGarbage(Furion), theAlice(Panda,Vol'Jin), prawnstar(Antimage), skipperme(Chen), redrooster(Fletcher), Tikiboi(Raigor). Good job guys.
* Fixed Decrepify tooltip
* Reworked status buff placements on Shadow Word, Mjolnir and Fatal Bonds icon to display properly on Illusions
* Fixed a big exploit reported by UKI-TZAR
* Storm Seeker no longer draws Roshan out
* Fixed typo on Bristleback damage autospray (did not buff him, just a typo fix)
* Fixed Mjolnir tooltip
* New animation for Bottle (thx Ro-Coc
* Fixed last 2 towers not giving gold to team
* Necromancer now properly grows in size
* Fixed the initial delay on Luna's Eclipse
* Fixed Clinkz's Windwalk buff tooltip
* Cannot repick if you don't have full hp and mana (to prevent some abuses)
* Changed Elune's Arrow animation
* Fixed a bug with spiderlings' poison reducing attack speed instead of movement speed (thx ZerielDRK)
* Fixed a few bugs on level 4 abilities with Witchcraft
* Fixed POTM endgame icon
* Many other countless tooltip fixes and improvements
Big thanks to all the beta testers that stayed up late with me to get this out for New Years day!
To St.L
А по Русски можно -.-
geomancer jarit kone4no
To -prfct
герой настолько хардкорный что просто жесть)
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