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EVE online
To Erektus
 ну насчет харизмы да ^^ ибо нефиг халявить ^^
EVE online
To LadyNinet
To Erektus
ну проще не проще начальные аттрибуты тоже как то помогают вкачать быстрее одно или другое. можно перекинуть конечно ... но это раз в год ...
EVE online
To sagg
 ага ^^ еще один нигер ^^
EVE online
To sagg
 и кого ? ^^
EVE online
To sagg
 не во что. но инфы читать прийдется много. очень много. это так для инфо.
EVE online
To Erektus
 эээ цель .... захватить весь мир по возможности.
 жить собрались вроде как в синдикате.
To sagg
в личку мыло кидай организую триал на 21 день ^^
а вообще
сервер 1.
~35 баксов за 2 месяца
по ссылке выше кстати тоже насколько помню все есть ^^
EVE online
ну вот и новый алли .... ^^ error
и тикер <404.>
EVE online
To banzzai
упс. да лоханулся. усилки таки дают 10% к силе. вообщем сила джама таже осталась. оптимал урезали
EVE online
To banzzai
ну без плюшек - насколько скилы позволяют.
мну больше порадовала клоака ковертовская на бобре ^^
с моими не совсем перфектными скилами 41 км оптимал. усилки дают 10% к оптималу и 10% к scan strenght ...
то что есть сейчас. с моими скилами.
сила джама 13.559
оптимал 140 км
на тесте
сила 13,559
оптимал 52 км
ну что сказать ... гы гы ^^
EVE online
рук более менее получился ... но это пока ... еще поди все поправят
Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:  
5% Bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level
10% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer capacitor use per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:  
30% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
10% Bonus to Heavy & Heavy Missile velocity per level
ну и 5 лайт дронов
EVE online
над фальком проглумились ...
Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:  
5% Bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level
10% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer capacitor use per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:  
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
-96% to -100% reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use per level
Role Bonus: 80% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for cynosural field generation and 50% reduction in cynosural field duration.
Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators
джам это круто ... но нафига давать роф ланчеров если он там 1 ...
а да забыл и 5 лайт дрончегов
EVE online
бобров апдейтнули ...
Gallente Frigate Skill Bonus:  
20% bonus to Torpedo Explosion velocity per level
20% bonus to Torpedo velocity per level
Covert Ops Skill Bonus:  
5% bonus to bomb thermal damage per level
20% bonus to Torpedo thermal damage per level
Role Bonus:  
-99.5% reduction in Siege Missile Launcher powergrid needs
-99% reduction in Bomb Launcher CPU use
-100% targeting delay after decloaking
Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators and covert ops cloaks
ну них...я себе ...
EVE online
To Вселенная
EVE online
Your group of Inferno Torpedo hits Betrenth [EQUI](Abaddon), doing 2074.4 damage.
Your group of Inferno Torpedo hits Betrenth [EQUI](Abaddon), doing 2592.1 damage.
структура ^^
EVE online
To Erektus
 они в клоаке терь 800 м/с летают. ну и торпы на 35км примерно
EVE online
Gallente Frigate Skill Bonus:  
10% bonus to Torpedo thermal damage per level
10% bonus to Torpedo velocity per level
Covert Ops Skill Bonus:  
5% bonus to bomb thermal damage per level
250% Bonus to cloaked velocity per level
Role Bonus: -99.5% reduction in Siege Missile Launcher powergrid needs, -99% reduction in Bomb Launcher CPU use and -100% targeting delay after decloaking
Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators
EVE online
смертничег ^^
EVE online
To banzzai
 и не говори...  
а вообще чем тя ферокс не устраивает ? ^^
EVE online
To Erektus
 лучше б наоборот фалька подальше подвинули а рук поближе. если уж на то пошло. ибо рук стреляет на 100км хэвиками это круто ... а дроны то на кой тогда ?
EVE online
To Erektus
 да да ... самое место для фальков. в общей куче. а руку дроны как собаке 5 нога. бредятина вообщем полная происходит
а вообще это скрытый буст гальских реконов ^^ терь фальки от них будут дохнуть на раз ...
EVE online
We have been looking again at ECM ships focusing on their roles and whether these ships can be improved overall to better define their roles a little more. With that in mind, we want to share some of our thoughts and gather constructive feedback and suggestions of your own.
In the days ahead, we will put some changes on sisi to see how they pan out and continue to change or tweak as feedback and playtesting continues.
ECM Range  
Generally the ECM optimal range is a little too long with massive optimal ranges possible which would place the ECM specialised ships so far out of the fight to be almost completely safe but suffer no effective hit quality decrease. To bring them closer to the fight we are looking at swapping the base optimal and falloff ranges so at the longer ranges jammers would be operating more in falloff and hence have a lower chance of 'hitting' with their jammers at the extreme ranges.
Signal Distortion Amplifiers  
The SDAs are something of a conundrum. They are really only worth fitting on the ECM specialised ships and are the only EWAR enhancing module we have besides the rigs. Currently they increase your ECM strength and we were looking at swapping this to an ECM range bonus and altering either the base strength of the jammers or the ECM strength bonus of the ships so they become less required in every setup and the low slots could be used for tanking for example.
Ship Changes  
We have been looking at all the ECM ships (Griffin, Kitsune, Blackbird, Falcon, Rook and Scorpion). We wanted to ensure each ship had a more focused role which was not just bigger, longer range and better than the others so only one wins outright. The two main themes we were looking at was short range brawler and long range sniper. The brawler would focus on ECM strength at shorter range and the sniper would be longer range but weaker with niches in these areas for each of the ships.
Falcon & Rook
The falcon has been changed to be similar to the pilgrim in its role as a ECM brawler at shorter ranges. It has a bigger ECM strength bonus whilst losing its ECM optimal range bonus. In addition its agility and base velocity and have been increased to allow it to be more manoeuvrable at shorter ranges.
Summary Falcon changes
- ECM Strength Bonus increased from 20 to 25% per level
- ECM Optimal Range Bonus removed (52km optimal / 81km falloff w/ 2*SDA IIs)
- Increase in general manoeuvrability (might give agility bonus to it to replace the ECM optimal range bonus)
The rook operates at longer ranges, able to attack at distance and whilst having a weaker ECM strength but longer ECM range than the falcon can lay some real damage on its target gaining a heavy/heavy assault and standard missile velocity bonus in addition to a small drone bay for additional utility.
Summary Rook Changes  
- ECM strength bonus decreased to 15% per level
- ECM Optimal Range bonus decreased to 15% per level (92km optimal / 81km falloff)  
- 5% Heavy/Heavy Assault missile velocity per recon ship level added (105km range with heavy missiles at max skills)
- 25m3 drone bay / 25 mbit bandwidth added
The Scorpion  
We are looking at putting the scorpion into the short range brawler role. To that end we are looking at removing its ECM Optimal range bonus, increasing the ECM strength bonus a little and adding a cruise/siege launcher rate of fire bonus so it can get close and personal.
Summary Scorpion Changes
- removed the ECM optimal range bonus
- increased the ECM strength bonus to 20% per level
- added a 5% RoF bonus to cruise & siege missile launchers per level.
Please provide constructive feedback on the ideas and changes. These changes are not yet on sisi and we will announce when they are. As always, everything is subject to change!
мде ...
EVE online
бугага 2^^
EVE online
EVE online
To redline
 убей их всех
EVE online
To Erektus
 хз. видимо у наго очередной перерыв.
To redline
да ну ... скучные они.
To Sectoid
можешь конечно попробовать. но ... ^^
если есть желание попробовать можно тут. остальное как повезет.
EVE online
To LadyNinet
видимо кабан. кто ж еще может сидеть в жите^^
EVE online
To Erektus
 о да... нас там много. аж 5 ^^ мы ее захватили дааааа ^^
EVE online
EVE online
To серега
 на евесру выложили гайд с картинками ^^ попробуй - поможет ^^
EVE online
To Sectoid
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